
Taxology Lawyers won 16th Supreme Court Dispute in 5 Years

On July 22, 2020, the Judicial Chamber for Economic Disputes of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation again considered a tax dispute related to the revision of the cadastral value of real estate in Moscow in 2016.

The interests of the taxpayer were represented by Taxology lawyers

In the case, the question arose about the procedure for calculating the value of the building for the purposes of property taxation. Our lawyers have proved that in the absence of reliable data on the value of a building in public registers, it is necessary to use the results of the nearest dispute with the Moscow Government over the price of such a building as a necessary indicator.
Our lawyers performed the representation of the client's interests in courts of four instances. The Supreme Court agreed with our position, noting that this approach promotes legal certainty and respect for the rights of the taxpayer.

The interests of the taxpayer in this case were represented by Taxology partners Leonid Somov and Mikhail Uspensky, and lawyer Ksenia Bulgakova.

Congratulations to colleagues and the client on the success in the dispute! We hope for further victories at such a high level.
2020-07-22 17:26